We are proud to announce that the Sun City Parkinson's Foundation will be hosting the 4th Annual Parkinson’s Disease Symposium via a virtual platform. The conference will be broadcast every Saturday in October starting at 12 PM (noon) and will run approximately one hour. The cost for the conference is $15 per person and will include a t-shirt. Each person must register to receive a link for the conference. You may register be clicking on the “Conference Registration” tab at the top of the page or by calling 915-307-3283. The topics for the virtual conference will be: 

  • Techniques to help you with daily hand skills.

  • Finding your voice to continue telling your story.

  • Fall Prevention, home safety and movement.

  • Gastrointestinal Issues related to Parkinson’s Disease.

Speakers and/or topics may change prior to the Symposium.

Thank you all and we hope to see you all on-line!